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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Music for Mobility

This week our practice-a-thon has begun for the piano students at the Imaginations Music Studio. We will be raising money to send wheelchairs across the world to those in need in faraway places like Haiti through the Free Wheelchair Mission. One wheelchair can be bought for less than $60! Think of the impact even ONE wheelchair can make to its recipient and their family. Our goal is to raise enough money for 10 wheelchairs. Help your child to get pledges per minute, hour or day of practice for the next 2 weeks. Flat donations of any demonination are also accepted. Log your child's practice time in minutes for the next 2 weeks on the form that came home this week after their class or lesson. The child with the most practice time at the end of the 2 week period will recieve a prize!

Check out our Fundraising website, Music for Mobility

Logging practice time also helps your child to see the direct correlation between practice and progress. The competition of a "practice-a-thon" can also spur your child on to practice more than they might usually practice. There will be more info about practice time on your child's log.

I would like to encourage Kindermusik student to participate as well. I will make a jar available to collect loose change at the Cherubs Clubhouse. So bring by your loose change or cash to your next class if you would like to participate. The next time you buy your child a freezy pop or a drink at the Cherubs Clubhouse, donate the leftover change to mobility for those in need. Also, feel free to post our offical Music for Mobility fundraiser site and email it to all your friends as well. Let's raise awareness for this need and see if we can make a difference in someone's life!
Music for Mobility

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