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Thursday, April 15, 2010

New classes!

We have just begun our new term of Family Time this week! I enjoyed one of my returning students picking up brand new songs on the first day of class! Many of the Kindermusik songs are built on bi and tri-tonal melodies which are the first intervals that children readily pick up. Children all over the world sing various songs built on these 2 or 3 notes without even being taught: "
Ring around the rosie", "nanny, nanny booboo", "its raining- its pouring as well as rain", "rain go away." Since children so naturally sing these tones, this is where we start teaching them to match pitches.

We also worked on inhibitory control- which is the ability to stop and start according to directions. We worked on gross motor inhibitory control during movement time as well as fine motor with the instruments.

This term, we began working on some of our school skills at a new level. Instead of the children spending the entire duration of class in their parent's lap or by their parent's side, we encouraged the children to sit on the music squares in the front of the room for some of the activities. This allowed them to learn to sit in a classroom-like setting but still gave them the comfort of knowing that their caregiver was close by.

We do a variety of movements in a Kindermusik class. Most things we do have a specific developmental purpose. This week we talked about activities that cross the mid line of the body thus creating neural connections from the right to left side of the brain. Alternating hands to play the egg shakers, crawling on the floor, or bouncing both hands across the mid line from one side of the body to the other work on this.

We are still enrolling for this class! Be sure to register online today to make sure we order your materials!

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Children's music classes

Children's music classes
These instruments will be featured from time to time in a Kindermusik class!