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Saturday, April 17, 2010

Summer Jazz Piano Classes

Should my child take piano over the summer? Should we take a break from piano lessons? Will we even be able to practice over the summer?

These are valid questions I hear from parents. Summer time is busy with vacation and camps. Sometimes parents feel that their child needs a break over the summer from any kind of academic pursuit like piano.

Perhaps they are correct- summer should be fun. We don't want the children to become burned out do we? However, summer can also be a time where children lose a lot of knowledge and progress gained over the past school year. I often see piano students lose interest over the summer or regress if they do not take summer lessons. Sometimes I spend the first few classes of the school year reviewing previous lessons.

I think I have a solution to this problem. This summer, I will be offering jazz improvisation classes in our piano lab at the Cherubs Clubhouse. We will break from the routine of the school year and from the repetition of recital practice. We will work on learning chords, scales and form and use this to improv in the jazz, rock, pop and blues style. This is a fun approach to theory which allows for creativity on the part of the student. We will also continue to play our theory games and review previous pieces in class as well.

New students will use this method to improv at the keyboard as they learn about keyboard geography and the basics of rhythm and steady beat.

No materials are required for the summer term. The jazz method will be provided at each class from my studio library. We will offer 4 weeks of classes on Thursdays in June and July. You can sign up for the classes that you will be able to attend according to your schedule or you can attend the entire term. Registration is required by by June 1 so that I can schedule the classes according to age and level. Check here for pricing and the schedule- Summer schedule and registration

We will also be holding a summer piano camp! No previous instruction is required. Our summer camp will include ensemble and theory classes organized according to age and level as well as play time at the Cherubs Clubhouse. Registration is required by June 1 Click here for more info

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