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Thursday, July 8, 2010

Demo Class

Today we had one of the biggest demo classes that we have had so far!! Thanks to everyone who came out this morning!! If you missed the class, we will still be enrolling for summer classes through next Thursday. Click here to register for classes. This summer we are offering Sign and Sing for kids 0 to 18 months as well as ABC Music and Me for kids 2 to 4 years over the summer. There are only 10 spots per class, so please register online to be sure that you will have a spot. Today in our classes we saw a variety of learning styles. Some children sat quietly and observed the other children and parents. Some moved around the room absorbing the sounds around them, watching other children and learning by moving. Others actively participated in the class and were always excited about each new activity. Each learning style is unique and respected in the Kindermusik classroom. Even in today's demo class, we saw some shy students begin to open up as the classes progressed. By starting each class out with the same welcome song each week, those students who tend to always be on the move during class begin to settle in and learn the routine. One activity that helps the kids to learn how to respond in the classroom setting was the inhibitory control activity we did in the first class. We played our egg shakers along with the song and stopped whenever the song stopped. Learning to follow aural and visual cues through these types of activities helps to prepare children for preschool and Kindergarten. The movement activities that we did in both classes allow the children to explore different types of movement, change their perspective of the classroom, and learn to control their bodies to follow the directions. Each class includes movement activities with scarves, marching, circle dances, puppets, hoops or even a parachute. Older children love to be given the freedom to move on their own and the younger children love to be held close by their caregivers as they experience the sensations that movement provides. When your child is moving along with music, their brains light up with stimulation. The simple instruments used in classes are developmentally designed to help the child to be successful at their first attempts at music. For most of the instruments we use, there is no wrong way to play them. This leaves the child with a world of kinesthetic and aural exploration. The development of a steady beat by using these instruments help the child with physical coordination, learning to cut with scissors, bouncing a ball, and even with learning to walk fluidly. Developing a steady beat is essential to learning to play any instrument or learning to sing. Kindermusik provides a strong foundation for any future formal music study, develops school readiness skills, and prepares the child for other future interests as well.

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Children's music classes

Children's music classes
These instruments will be featured from time to time in a Kindermusik class!