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Thursday, August 12, 2010

3 games for Kindergarten readiness

It is the first day of school for most kids. I know a lot of parents are wondering how their child will do and if they were ready. A lot of what we do in Kindermusik is school readiness such as practicing self control, taking turns, developing listening skills, lengthening attention span as well as pre-literary and math skills.

Probably the number one skill every Kindergarten teacher looks for in a child is inhibitory control. Inhibitory control is the ability to listen to an instruction and to control the body accordingly. This is something that can be practiced in short sessions with kids of any age. There are many ways to practice this at home.

1. While playing an instrument like the rhythm sticks, have the child find different ways to tap. Then say out loud with the child, TAP, TAP, TAP, TAP rea-dy STOP. At this point freeze. Find a different way to tap and try the same thing. If you do no have an instrument, you can do body percussion which is tapping your own body. Kids of all ages can do this- even babies. You would be surprised to see how quiet and still some of my youngest students get with this game. Some even anticipate the "STOP" command and give it themselves! We do this almost weekly in a Kindermusik class.

Even if your child does not actually stop yet, they will learn the concept if they see and hear you stop.

2. Sing one of your child's favorite songs but whisper the chorus. Children have to learn to whisper. Anyone who has kids knows that they are not born knowing how to whisper in church! This is something we practice. Once whispering is mastered, have them be silent for the chorus of the song and join back in on the verses. I find that even with babies, the softer you sing to them, the harder they listen. They quiet their whole bodies down in anticipation. I can quiet a room of babies simply by singing softly rather than by speaking loudly.

3. Children love to stop and start. This is evident when you think of all the children's games that are built on this concept. Mother May I? Freeze Tag, Simon Says, the Silent Game, and Red Light Green Light. With all the video games out these days I am not sure how much these are played anymore. Children love these games and they help them learn to listen to instructions and to control themselves. We need to introduce our kids to these great games and help them practice inhibitory control.

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These instruments will be featured from time to time in a Kindermusik class!