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Thursday, January 7, 2010

Music Class Demo Week in Pelham

We have had a great demo week for music classes at the Cherubs Clubhouse in Pelham! I had originally scheduled the Kindermusik demonstration class for Wed. at 10:00 and piano class for Thursday at 4:00, but due to weather concerns, I had to try to "beat the snow" and reschedule for Wed. afternoon. We had a fantastic turnout at both classes yesterday (even with the reschedule) and are looking forward to music classes starting in Pelham next week.

I have also scheduled another Cherubs Clubhouse piano demonstration class next Thursday at 4:00 due to the possibility of today's class being cancelled due to snow. I have 6 spots available in my demo class, so please call 437-3478 or email me to reserve your spot.

Piano and Kindermusik will begin next week at the Cherubs Clubhouse. In piano, we will begin by establishing a strong steady beat and sense of rhythm. In Kindermusik, we will begin establishing a class routine, work on singing, movement, experiment with instruments and imaginative play.

Private lessons began this week at my Bruno and Inverness studio. We had a great week back after the break and are looking forward to more music classes here in Birmingham!

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These instruments will be featured from time to time in a Kindermusik class!